Monthly Archives: October 2022

Should I have my car checked before a long trip?

Should I have my car checked before a long trip?

Vehicle inspection is an important maintenance procedure, especially before a long trip. You need to make sure your car matches the task ahead before you embark. Some of the most important things to include in your inspection are; Fluids Review Oil changes are among the most popular regular auto maintenance procedures. Every driver is aware of the value of routine oil changes. Before you leave on a long drive, you need to assess a few other fluids. Before you start your trip, you should make sure that several of your fluid levels are appropriate. These consist of: • Power steering fluid • Braking fluids • Transmission fluid • Fluid for windshield washers The safety of your car is largely determined by these vital fluids. Make certain that they, and any other fluid you may deem significant are inspected by your mechanic. To prevent issues when driving, these fluid amounts should be checked frequently, but always ahead of time for a road trip. Examine the Tires T ... read more